07 Apr Wells Fargo sponsorship allocated to feed those in need
In response to COVID-19, Wells Fargo and SunFest have decided to reallocate this year’s $10,000 sponsorship from the bank, which was originally allocated for the festival, to now support the efforts of the Palm Beach County Food Bank in response to the impact of coronavirus.
“These are unprecedented times—and, unfortunately, we believe we are just starting to see the impact on our community,” said Karen Erren, executive director of the Palm Beach County Food Bank. “Already, at our pantries and here at the Food Bank, we are receiving a significant increase in calls from people looking for food. We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of Wells Fargo and their innovative collaboration with SunFest to repurpose their donation to serve our local community and we hope it inspires other organizations to follow suit. These funds will assist in our steadfast commitment to provide as much food as possible to as many people as possible during this time. If you need food, our partner list is updated daily at pbcfoodbank.org.”
Wells Fargo is also working closely with other local nonprofits they support to help keep them operational and making their funding highly flexible where needed.
Wells Fargo Foundation also announced it will donate $40,000 to United Way of Palm Beach County to support the community response to COVID-19. The funding, part of a $300,000 donation to nonprofits across the state, will benefit the organization’s COVID-19 Response Fund, as the organization works to connect with partners across the county to find solutions for anticipated needs and hardships presented by widespread protective measures against the spread of COVID-19.
This $40,000 donation is part of the $6.25 million in aid Wells Fargo announced earlier this month to support the domestic and global COVID-19 response.